Neo31 FF member

Nizar Kerkeni nizarus at
Sam 20 Mar 08:32:37 UTC 2010

Bonjour à tous, 
Neo ta page wiki manque encore de détails et je t'invite à l'enrichir
encore. Je pense qu'il vaudrait mieux que tu parle a ton nom (I) et non pas
en (he) ;)
De mon coté j'anticipe et je vote +1 pour que Neo soit un FF, il a rejoint
la communauté récemment et il a su être actif partout (ML, IRC, Forum, et

----------------original message-----------------
De: "Neo31" neo31 at
A: "Tunisian Ubuntu LoCo Team Mailing List" ubuntu-tn at
Date: Fri, 19 Mar 2010 21:35:12 +0100

Hello Ubuntu-TN,
I think it is the time to apply for a Freedom Fighter Rank in the Tunisian
Ubuntu community. I now know enough about our community and I think I am
ready to be an FF member. As you know I participated in two events until now
(SFD 09 and ISSATs 10.03) I will be ready to support my community for events
accruing in Sousse inchalah as I will travel to other places to participate
in different events, support Ubuntu and Linux users on the IRC, forums as I
have enough time for that.
 I hope my contribution wont stop here and go further to help developing our
Ubuntu-TN projects inchalah.
For now I have my 
Wiki little page [ to enrich later inchalah
 Lauchpad page ->] where I signed the code of conduct from my
Kubuntu distro that will be installed directly on my hard disk as soon as I
free it.
And here I am sending this message which is supposed the last required thing
to be a FF member.
 I hope my application will be approved very soon, so please do not hesitate
to contact me directly by email on Neo31 at for any needed
Regards, Neo31 (Ahmed Sghaier) 

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Nizar Kerkeni
LoCo ubuntu-tn and ubuntu member

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