[FWD] Ubuntu Global Jam coming up!
Nizar Kerkeni
nizarus at ubuntu.com
Jeu 11 Mar 12:11:26 UTC 2010
des idées ??? ou des propositions ???
----------------original message-----------------
De: "Daniel Holbach" daniel.holbach at ubuntu.com
A: undisclosed-recipients at NIL, NIL at NIL
Date: Thu, 11 Mar 2010 09:40:36 +0100
> Hello dear LoCo contact,
> from 26th to 28th March 2010 we will run the Ubuntu Global Jam again.
> This is a great opportunity for LoCo teams to come together and work
> directly on Ubuntu.
> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuGlobalJam
> The idea is to come together, have fun, learn something new and share
> the great experience of making Ubuntu better together. You can run a
> number of different activities, depending on what interests the members
> of your team the most.
> * Bug Jams: you work together on Ubuntu bugs, fix them, triage
> them, improve them,
> * Packaging Jams: learn packaging of Ubuntu software, work on some
> small packaging bugs,
> * Translation Jams: translate software, make Ubuntu usable in lots
> of languages,
> * Doc Jams: have a look at Ubuntu documentation, fix it and
> improve it,
> * Testing Jams: put the new Ubuntu version to the test, check it
> out and test-drive it,
> * Upgrade Jams: upgrade to the newest Ubuntu version and give it a
> spin!
> In a few days we are going to announce a couple of sessions on IRC that
> will focus on discussing and explaining setting up a jam and all the
> different kinds of jams. It would be great if you would reach out to
> your team, ask for their interest and review the documentation, so you
> can ask all your open questions
> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Jams
> This is going to be a great opportunity for your team to come together
> again, do something great, have fun and see yourself how awesome your
> team is.
> Please don't let us down and let all your team mates know.
> Also I'd appreciate if I could get some feedback from you:
> - do you have any plans for the Ubuntu Global Jam? are you on
> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuGlobalJam/Events already?
> - are there any major blockers for your team?
> - can you reach out to your team again?
> - do you need any help?
> Also there's still some tuition session happening:
> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuGlobalJam/
> Don't let the Ubuntu Community down! The Global Jam will be fantastic
> and a lot of fun for all your team members! :-)
> Have a great day,
> Daniel
Nizar Kerkeni
LoCo ubuntu-tn and ubuntu member
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