[ubuntu-tn] Why not an event in Port El Kantaoui

Neo31 Ahmed at net.Sghaier.com
Mar 8 Juin 14:43:09 UTC 2010

Every year there is an event about "International Summer Festival of
Internet" that have been going on for years.
I attended there for the last years, it's so simple there is different
stands for organizations like ANSI, CertTN and other stands presenting
different workshops about security, internet and computer technology and
even open source.
So why not have a stand for Ubuntu-TN where we can present Ubuntu and other
Free software. and prepare some workshops and competitions.
We may seek for a sponsor and I am ready to contribute with everything i
could, even with money if necessary.
Lets get a stand and promote for our lovely Ubuntu and free software :)
notice this is estimated to be in august where we will have enough free time
to go for this event :)
I didn't search for details yet on how we can participate and who to
contact, I just wanted to see if there is members supporting the idea and
ready to go for it.
Waiting for your comments, Event group, and all members.

last year's event :

> 6-8 August 2009: The tenth edition of the International Summer Festival of
> Internet
> The participation in the activities of the tenth edition of the
> International Summer Festival of Internet, which was organized by the
> Tunisian Association of Internet and Multimedia under the high leadership of
> His Excellency Mister the President of the Republic

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