[ubuntu-tn] Lost desktop effects after upgrading to Lucid!

Neo31 Ahmed at net.Sghaier.com
Mar 27 Juil 00:03:32 UTC 2010

Hi Abdelmonam,
As I know you should make sure you graphics driver is installed and working
well, did you verify it?
I also *think* it's a good habit to disable all proprietary drivers and
compiz before doing upgrades.
That popup window does not provide enough information, so try to run *compiz
* from terminal and see what output you can get. post the output back so
others can help :)
Regards, Neo31.

On Mon, Jul 26, 2010 at 10:09 PM, Abdelmonam Kouka <
abdelmonam.kouka at gmail.com> wrote:

> Salem All,
> I was using Karmic and compiz-fusion works well, after upgrading to Lucid
> last weekend I lost Desktop effects (see attchment) any idea?
> Salem
> --
> عبد المنعم كوكة
> Abdelmonam Kouka
> http://sabily-guru.blogspot.com/
> http://geek-tounsi.blogspot.com/
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