[ubuntu-tn] [FWD] Is your LoCo using Drupal?

Nizar Kerkeni nizarus at ubuntu.com
Sam 3 Juil 19:15:33 UTC 2010


----------------message original-----------------
De: "Rubén Romero y Cordero" huayra at ubuntu.com
A: "Ubuntu local community team (LoCo) contacts"
loco-contacts at lists.ubuntu.com
Date: Sat, 3 Jul 2010 03:31:45 +0200

Hi to you all,

If your LoCo is using Drupal an you have a Ubuntu+Drupal story to share do
it here on the list, send me an email or leave a comment in my blog:

You can also add information on the wiki page:
* https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DrupalCon

The reason for this Drupal eagerness is that I did just submit a session for
the next DrupalCon to be held in Copenhagen in August. You can see the
session's description here: 
* http://cph2010.drupal.org/sessions/spreading-ubuntu-drupal

If you would like to see this session materialized do please give me your
Drupal+Ubuntu feedback and vote for the session (you need a drupal.org
account) starting the 5th of July to get it into the conference.

Thank you very much in advance!

Best regards,
Rubén Romero
https://launchpad.net/~huayra ->


loco-contacts mailing list
loco-contacts at lists.ubuntu.com


Nizar Kerkeni
LoCo ubuntu-tn and ubuntu member

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