Fwd: Call For Testing: Ubuntu 8.04.4
mawale at ubuntu.com
Jeu 21 Jan 13:26:24 UTC 2010
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Ara Pulido <ara at ubuntu.com>
Date: 2010/1/21
Subject: Call For Testing: Ubuntu 8.04.4
To: Wajih Letaief <mawale.me at gmail.com>
Hello people,
next week, Ubuntu 8.04 reaches its 4th point release and, as usual, ISOs
need to be tested before they get released.
The first candidate ISOs are starting to appear in the ISO tracker [1],
so you can start helping right now.
You are encourage to zsync your images, so if these are not the final
images, it won't take long to download them again.
You can check the current Hardy images (and their zsync links) at:
It is also nice to test upgrades. Remember that LTS -> LTS -> LTS is a
supported upgrade path, so, Dapper -> Hardy(4) -> Lucid should work as
smooth as Hardy -> Lucid.
Thanks a lot for your help and happy testing!
[1] http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com
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