
Neo31 neo31 at
Mer 17 Fév 09:42:30 UTC 2010

Salut Samir,
Comment peut tu confirmer que Suse est " La seul distribution sur la quel
matlab fonctionne parfaitement dés l'installation est Suse"???

On Wed, Feb 17, 2010 at 10:07 AM, Samir Ben Abid <samirbenabid at>wrote:

> Octave est un projet open source compatible avec matlab mais qui manque les
> toolbox (la seul chose qui me rend de dépandant de matlab). Matlab peut être
> installé sur linux mais la configuration glx peut vous causer des sérieux
> maux de tète. La seul distribution sur la quel matlab fonctionne
> parfaitement dés l'installation est Suse (par expérience).
> 2010/2/16 Rim Bergaoui <bergaoui.rim at>
>> Salam,
>> Je crois qu'il n'y a pas de Matlab sur Ubuntu mais plutot Octave.
>> Salam.
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> In any intellectual field, one can reach greater heights by
> standing on the shoulders of others. But that is no longer gen-
> erally allowed in the proprietary software field—you can only
> stand on the shoulders of the other people in your own com-
> pany.
> The associated psychosocial harm affects the spirit of scientific
> cooperation, which used to be so strong that scientists would
> cooperate even when their countries were at war. In this spirit,
> Japanese oceanographers abandoning their lab on an island in
> the Pacific carefully preserved their work for the invading U.S.
> Marines, and left a note asking them to take good care of it.
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