Sans objet

Chedy Ben Youssef at
Dim 14 Fév 12:45:11 UTC 2010

Yes I'm how can I help?

2010/2/14 Neo31 <neo31 at>

> Yes, that's what I said here before Chedy. We have already have a forum.
> For now we use the ML may be until we prepare our own tunisian forums (after
> the website, because the website project is still hanging on)
> So if you are a web developper, web admin may be you can help with the
> website project ;)
> Neo31
> On Sun, Feb 14, 2010 at 10:50 AM, Chedy Ben Youssef < at>wrote:
>> hey Neo, I meant that the perpouse mailing list is not to be for a such
>> use, to ask help or advise the better way is a message-board (forum). I've
>> been following the ML for a moment and it's really informative and
>> practicle, but having those messages round here is spamming.
>> to mohammed: Google is your best friend ;-)
>> 2010/2/14 Neo31 <neo31 at>
>>> i don't get it Chedy, but if you asking if this mailing list is available
>>> for public on the web, the answer will be yes, I belief all mails are being
>>> logged and available on the web.
>>> regards.
>>> On Sun, Feb 14, 2010 at 8:15 AM, Chedy Ben Youssef < at>wrote:
>>>> 'Morning guys,
>>>> I have a question too, is this a mailing list or a helping thread on a
>>>> message-board?
>>>> Thanks [?]
>>>> 2010/2/14 Neo31 <neo31 at>
>>>> Hi Mohamed,
>>>>> First of all I want to ask if I know you? can you tell me where do you
>>>>> study, I mean in which Institute.
>>>>> About your question, I think you should give more details as which DBMS
>>>>> (SGBD) you will be using?
>>>>> If you don't know yet, well you have to chose one before asking that
>>>>> question, and in that case I recommend you MySQL. It's not a technical
>>>>> recommendation since I am not that good with DBMS and that I don't know for
>>>>> what purpose you will be using it. I just like MySQL ;p
>>>>> Anyway, the answer would be probably a like to a web page or and advice
>>>>> to learn about something that will help doing what you want. So in case
>>>>> you'll chose MySQL all you have to do is to look for MySQL connector
>>>>> provided on it's official website with documentation on how to use it with
>>>>> C++.
>>>>> Regards, Neo31
>>>>> 2010/2/13 mohamed rouis <med.rouis at>
>>>>>>  *salut tt le monde ;*
>>>>>> *
>>>>>> *
>>>>>> *quel q'un inajam ya3tini ou je trouve le commande de gestion de base
>>>>>> de donnée pour C++*
>>>>>> *
>>>>>> *
>>>>>> *merci*
>>>>>> --
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