[ubuntu-tn] Fwd: Interview with Mozilla QA Director Matt Evans

MaWaLe mawale at ubuntu.com
Ven 17 Déc 10:40:10 UTC 2010

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Matt Johnston <testers at utest.com>
Date: 2010/12/16
Subject: Interview with Mozilla QA Director Matt Evans
To: mawale.me at gmail.com

  [image: uTest]           Testing the Limits With Matt Evans We were lucky
enough to have Matt Evans, QA Director at Mozilla, as our latest guest for
Testing the Limits. With over 20 years of experience Matt is uniquely
qualified to address the most pressing issues in testing today - making this
two-part interview a must-read for testers, developers, managers and
executives alike. Don't take our word for it though. Here's a quick preview:

Is manual testing a must? - From Part
"The ultimate users of the program are not robots or automated test
frameworks. They are live human beings with lots of different skill sets,
backgrounds, geographic location, and expectations. You need to experience
the product with your own fingers and eyes on the keyboard and screen. Most
automated tests are pretty superficial and have rather myopic validation
methods for determining a pass or fail. Because of that, good manual
validation--especially with a fully configured and integrated product - is a
must in my book."

Do testers secretly want to be developers? - From Part
"It's always been hard to find good software testers. Good or bad economy, a
seasoned and talented software tester is rarely unemployed. Typically, many
good testers wind up in development because it often appears to be the
growth path for a software technology career. Software testing as a career
path is still viewed as something lesser than development."

Read the two-part interview from the beginning
>>><http://trk.cp20.com/Tracking/t.c?ErX3-DP7H-L1r5J2>      Contest:
Follow uTest For A Chance To Win... Ever feel like you're being followed? We
know all about it. As part of our year-end social media campaign, we're
giving away $2011 in prizes to those who follow us on Twitter, Facebook and
LinkedIn. Here's how it works:

   1. Follow us on Twitter, LinkedIn and become a fan on Facebook
   2. Tweet to @uTest with hash tag #FollowedAll3
   3. Include your top three prizes (from grab bag below) in your tweet.
   That's it!

What's in it for you? Prizes include an iPad, Kindle, Xbox, Wii, PS3, iPod
Touch, Boxee Box and cash!

Everything you need to know about the campaign - including rules and
deadlines - can be found on our OfferPop
     Testers Wanted For Paid Projects Here are a few paid projects currently
in need of skilled testers:

   - *Testing Moms with Children* - This particular opportunity is centered
   around usability for an iPhone app. Select testers will be provided with a
   mobile application for mothers to manage the early years of motherhood
   (height/weight/feeding/diaper change/picture albums/store location/product
   reviews/etc.), and then asked to complete a 60-minute survey. Compensation
   is $100 for the use of the application and completion of the survey. Sign
   up here... <http://trk.cp20.com/Tracking/t.c?ErX3-DP7J-L1r5J4>
   - *Symbian Devices* - We have a mobile project that is set to kickoff
   this Thursday (12/16) or Friday (12/17) in France, Germany, Italy, the
   Netherlands, Spain and the United Kingdom. The testing involves completing a
   simple test case that should take approximately 30 minutes. The payout for
   the project is $50 per approved test case. Testers are eligible to test more
   than one approved device. Click here to sign

Visit the "Opportunities thread"
<http://trk.cp20.com/Tracking/t.c?ErX3-DP7L-L1r5J6> in the uTest Forums for
more paid projects.      Quality Quotes "*Don't wait until everything is
just right. It will never be perfect. There will always be challenges,
obstacles and less than perfect conditions. So what. Get started now. With
each step you take, you will grow stronger and stronger, more and more
skilled, more and more self-confident and more and more successful*." - Mark
Victor Hansen

"*A pinch of probability is worth a pound of perhaps*." - James Thurber

"*If you only do what you know you can do - you never do very much*." - Tom

Feeling inspired yet? No? Then go to
once.      Top
7 Mobile Apps for the Holidays Forget the seven swans a-swimming. What you
really need for the holiday season are these seven apps. Whether you're
traveling, cooking, shopping, singing, or recovering, we hope you find these
apps as useful as we did.

Read the entire post to find out which apps you'll need this holiday
season.<http://trk.cp20.com/Tracking/t.c?ErX3-DP7N-L1r5J8>      Bug
Battle Heroes Our latest software testing competition - The Battle of the
Specialty E-Tailers - came to close last week. You can read our detailed Bug
Report <http://trk.cp20.com/Tracking/t.c?ErX3-DP7O-L1r5J9> to see which site
fared the best, but here are the members of the uTest Community who took
home some prize money:

   - *Top Testers*: Anna Danchenko, Nicola Sedgwick
   - *Best Bugs (Web)*: Aline Gazeau, Anna Danchenko, Gagan Talwar
   - *Best Bugs (Mobile)*: Thiago da Silva, Ryan Arnaudin, Zarina Mohammad
   - *Best Usability Feedback*: Amit Kulkarni, Nicola Sedgwick, Anna

The complete list of winners can be found
Congratulations to all!

If you have any suggestions for our next quarterly testing competition, send
them our way at marketing at utest.com.      The 12 Bugs of Christmas *For the
twelfth bug of Christmas, my manager said to me:

Tell them it's a feature
Say it's not supported
Change the documentation
Blame it on the hardware
Find a way around it
Say they need an upgrade
Reinstall the software
Ask for a dump
Run with the debugger
Try to reproduce it
Ask them how they did it and
See if they can do it again*

Found on ComputerJokes.net.
   uTest Inc, 153 Cordaville Road, Suite 100 , Southborough, MA 01772 |
www.uTest.com <http://trk.cp20.com/Tracking/t.c?ErX3-DP7R-L1r5J2> |
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