[ubuntu-tn] problème

Neo31 neo31 at geeksgeneration.com
Lun 19 Avr 17:53:45 UTC 2010

I encountered the same problem in ISIMahdia with a student that reported
problems with the wifi driver, I remember it was exactly the same case,
Toshiba Satellite. and since ISIMa passes through CCK proxies as almost all
Tunisian universities he just couldn't do it there, but he didn't report
anything later.
well anyway, I did a little research and it seams *your NIC's driver
(Network Interface Card) isn't included in Ubuntu by default so you'll have
to download it and compile it.*
*you'll have to search for Realtek´s r8102 driver and download it :)*
Some asked for the driver from Toshiba support indicating their distribution
and kernel version and they sent them the driver back, but I am not sure if
it is available for all kernel versions.
Anyway the reason seam to be TOSHIBA, I had driver problems long time ago
even with windows, they ship special drivers with their computers and not
the standard drivers. Anyway, you'll have to compile it.
don't worry abt it's license, I think it's GPL (free).
I'll see how i could help later on when i have more free time :)

2010/4/19 hatem ounis <ounishatem at gmail.com>

> Salem,
> Fallait faire comme Neo31 l'as dit effacer l'adresse MAC (indiqué par
> HWaddr).
> mais a ce qu'il parait d'après ifconfig votre carte eth0 fonctionne bien
> mais n'est pas connectée au réseau.
> vérifie la config.
> --
> Hatem Ounis.
> "I'm the one who uses computers just to learn more about using computers".
> "أنا أستعمل الكمبيوتر فقط لأتعلم المزيد عن استعمال الكمبيوتر"
> --
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