Trans.: Etudes Doctorales PhD Universites Hong Kong]

Nizar Kerkeni nizarus at
Mar 15 Sep 23:09:00 UTC 2009

ça ne parle pas de ubuntu mais ça peut intéresser des ubunturos.
Merici Ali pour le transfert.

----- Message transféré de Ali.BB at -----
     Date : Tue, 15 Sep 2009 23:49:25 +0100
      De : Ali Benbrahim <Ali.BB at>
Répondre à : Ali Benbrahim <Ali.BB at>
  Objet : Etudes Doctorales PhD Universites Hong Kong]
       À : shelhatem <shelhatem at>, nizarus at

Nizarus, hatem, A diffuser largement dans le milieu universitaire Tunisien.

votre devoué

Ali BB

>         Si Ali  A diffuser sur Ubuntu et dans la communaute  Merci    
>      Objet:   Hong Kong Fellowships     Date:   Tue, 15 Sep 2009  
> 00:10:01 +0800     De:   "Prof. Mounir Hamdi" <hamdi at>      
> A:            Hong Kong Universities are targeting EXCELLENT  
> international students for
> PhD studies through very prestigious fellowships provided by the Goverment.
> The deadline is December 1. Can you please publicize it in Tunisia (e.g.,
> Universities and ecoles) so that some VERY GOOD students can apply (it is
> very competitive). You can send them the information below. Thanks, Mounir
> =======================================================================Dear
> Tunisian Students: The Hong Kong PhD Fellowship Scheme is launched by the
> Research Grants Council (RGC) of Hong Kong.  The Fellowship Scheme  
> aims to attract outstanding students from all over the world to  
> pursue their PhD degree
> programmes in Hong Kong.  The Fellowship will provide an annual  
> stipend of **HK$240,000 (approximately
> US$30,000) and a conference and research-related travel allowance of  
> HK$10,000 (approximately US$1,300) per year** for a maximum period  
> of three years.  135 PhD Fellowships will be awarded for the 2010 /  
> 2011 academic year.  For more details please visit the Hong Kong  
> Fellowship Scheme Website:
> ________________________________________________________________   
> Prof. Mounir Hamdi Head of Department and Professor, Computer  
> Science and Engineering Hong Kong University of Science and  
> Technology Clear Water Bay, Kowloon, Hong Kong  
> Tel: (852) 2358 6988 (Direct line) Tel: (852) 2358 7009 (Secretary)  
> Fax: (852) 2358 2679  
> ________________________________________________________________
> ==============================================================================
> ====


----- Fin du message transféré -----

Nizar Kerkeni
LoCo ubuntu-tn and ubuntu member
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Nizarus, hatem, A diffuser largement dans le milieu universitaire Tunisien.  

votre devoué  

Ali BB  

>  Si Ali  
>A diffuser sur Ubuntu et dans la communaute  
>  Objet:   Hong Kong Fellowships    
>  Date:   Tue, 15 Sep 2009 00:10:01 +0800    
>  De:   "Prof. Mounir Hamdi" <hamdi at>    
>  A:         
>Hong Kong Universities are targeting EXCELLENT international students for
>PhD studies through very prestigious fellowships provided by the Goverment.
>The deadline is December 1. Can you please publicize it in Tunisia (e.g.,
>Universities and ecoles) so that some VERY GOOD students can apply (it is
>very competitive). You can send them the information below. Thanks, Mounir
>Tunisian Students: The Hong Kong PhD Fellowship Scheme is launched by the
>Research Grants 
>Council (RGC) of Hong Kong.  The Fellowship Scheme aims to attract 
>outstanding students from all over the world to pursue their PhD degree
>programmes in Hong Kong.  
>The Fellowship will provide an annual stipend of **HK$240,000 (approximately
>US$30,000) and a conference and research-related travel allowance of 
>HK$10,000 (approximately US$1,300) per year** for a maximum period of three 
>years.  135 PhD Fellowships will be awarded for the 2010 / 2011 academic 
>For more details please visit the Hong Kong Fellowship Scheme Website:
>Prof. Mounir Hamdi 
>Head of Department and Professor, Computer Science and Engineering 
>Hong Kong University of Science and Technology 
>Clear Water Bay, Kowloon, Hong Kong 
>Tel: (852) 2358 6988 (Direct line) 
>Tel: (852) 2358 7009 (Secretary) 
>Fax: (852) 2358 2679 


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