Ubuntu Global Jam, 2nd to 4th October 2009
Daniel Holbach
daniel.holbach at ubuntu.com
Lun 14 Sep 11:25:39 UTC 2009
Am Montag, den 14.09.2009, 13:19 +0200 schrieb Nizar Kerkeni:
> We (the Tunisan LoCo, not the Tunisian Republic ;)) plan to
> participate to a national event who will be held in the first week of
> October and include this participation to the UGJ. This point will be
> discussed on our next monthly meeting on September 18th - 2000UTC at
> #ubuntu-tn channel. Also I will ask to add a general discussion about
> other idea for participation to the UGJ in the meeting agenda.
Thanks a lot for participating. Please let me know if the documentation
I linked to is good enough or if you need any help from me or other
Please also make sure you update
Thanks a lot in advance and enjoy the Global Jam!
Have a great day,
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