Fwd: Issue 31 is out and about: servers, Python, Windows 7, and lots more

MaWaLe mawale at ubuntu.com
Lun 30 Nov 07:12:59 UTC 2009

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Full Circle Magazine <lists at fullcirclemagazine.org>
Date: 2009/11/28
Subject: Issue 31 is out and about: servers, Python, Windows 7, and lots
To: mawale.me at gmail.com

The 31st issue of everybody’s favorite Ubuntu magazine is out!  With 9.10
Karmic Koala just about a month old and the next release, Lucid Lynx,
already on the horizon and in the news, take a look at what else is going

This month, we’ve got:

* Command and Conquer.
* How-To: Program in Python – Part 5, The Perfect Server – Part 1, and
Universe of Sound.
* My Story – The Conversion.
* My Opinion – Windows 7.
* Review – Linux Mint 7.
* MOTU Interview – Andreas Wenning.
* Top 5 – Subversion Clients.
* Ubuntu Women, Ubuntu Games and all the usual goodness!

Download it here: http://fullcirclemagazine.org/issue-31

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