Fwd: [CULLT:6033] Microsoft - The Anti-Linux Keyboard

Israa Frej israa.frej at tut.fi
Jeu 12 Nov 13:29:36 UTC 2009

MaWaLe wrote:
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: Saloua Litayem
> Date: 2009/11/12
> Subject: [CULLT:6033] Microsoft - The Anti-Linux Keyboard
> To: cullt at googlegroups.com, freeways at googlegroups.com
> http://linuxscorecard.blogspot.com/2007/11/microsoft-anti-linux-keyboard.html
Microsoft is trying to conquer by any mean!
Let them try hard and let's see at the end ;)
Best regards,
Israa FREJ

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