Fwd: Free Webinar: Accelerate Applications and Reduce Cost with Flash

souilem fadi souilem_fadi at yahoo.fr
Ven 6 Nov 10:00:54 UTC 2009

Bonjour Mawale 
je te remercie pour cette information , en fait pour etre bref  , existet'il un moyen pour avoir ce webinar sous forme d'un video telechargable, pour assurer une meilleur propagation de l'information , et aussi bien pour ceux qui n'ont pas encore une connexion ADSL chez eux. 
merci   d'avance


De : MaWaLe <mawale at ubuntu.com>
À : ML Ubuntu-tn <ubuntu-tn at lists.ubuntu.com>
Envoyé le : Ven 6 Novembre 2009, 7 h 56 min 15 s
Objet : Fwd: Free Webinar: Accelerate Applications and Reduce Cost with Flash

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Sun Microsystems <sun at communications2.sun.com>
Date: 2009/11/6
Subject: Free Webinar: Accelerate Applications and Reduce Cost with Flash
To: mawale.me at gmail.com

Accelerating Applications and Reducing Costs with Flash Storage   
  Dear Mawale Mawale,

Database and other I/O intensive applications are getting slower over time, as added demands lead to poor performance, SLA challenges, increased costs and poor productivity. Flash storage is an immediate solution for improving performance and turbo charging database applications Oracle OLTP. 

Learn how Sun's FlashFire portfolio of 
solid-state storage products can help you meet the challenges of data-intensive computing, delivering faster application response times and greater efficiency over hard disk products. Participate in a webinar with Sun experts featuring the newest Flash technologies. 

Date: November 10, 2009
9am PT / 12pm ET / 5pm GMT 
Thank you,
Sun Microsystems, Inc.     You will learn: 
 How to accelerate database applications by 2x and cut transaction times in half  
 How to Improve application I/O service times up to 15X  
 How to Slash energy consumption by up to 100X compared to spinning disks  
 About the unmatched eco-efficiency with 1/10th power and space savings  
 How easy to deploy and manage flash storage in an existing environment with plug-and-play compatibility, Flash enabled file system, and management software 

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