Fwd: LoCos sharing Ubuntu promotion

Nizar Kerkeni nizar.kerkeni at gmail.com
Ven 29 Mai 13:08:58 UTC 2009

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Paolo Sammicheli <xdatap1 at ubuntu.com>
Date: 2009/5/29
Subject: LoCos sharing Ubuntu promotion
To: ubuntu-marketing at lists.ubuntu.com, loco-contacts at lists.ubuntu.com

Hi everybody,

I'm in charge of the Community Marketing in the Italian LoCo Team. I would
like to share the experience of the Italian LoCo team. We are currently
working on different subprojects.

http://wiki.ubuntu-it.org/GruppoPromozione/Progetti/en .

Our idea is to share colaboration in organizing the LoCo team marketing people
to ensure there is sustainable contributions to positively promote ubuntu as a
platform, to create worldwide feeling of contributions.

Please do consider joining the ubuntu marketing list
https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-marketing to carry on
discussions on participating in unison to the spirit of Ubuntu. Sharing ideas
and just generating that sinergy needed to continue this ongoing task of
Sharing the Ubuntu Spirit.

Looking forward to your contributions
Paolo Sammicheli
EMail: xdatap1(at)ubuntu.com
- Ubuntu-it non รจ potere ma supporto (Pixel) -

loco-contacts mailing list
loco-contacts at lists.ubuntu.com

Nizar Kerkeni
LoCo ubuntu-tn and ubuntu member

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