[[redaction-tn]] ESSEC, an AMAZING English report

Rached ALEYA rached.aleya at gmail.com
Dim 3 Mai 21:25:57 UTC 2009

Hi all the tuniubunteros

The English report of the ESSEC event is published here :
A big thanks to Wassim Derguech for his effort, As you will see, this report
is organized in a special manner, I hope that you like it, if not : feel
free to post your comments. I have just one remark : Where can I put the
pictures ? I do realize that there is a link to the picasa link, but I think
that pictures are very important too :)
I also have a request : KArimFath, ALAYA and Wajih : you have to complete
the missing informations :)

Je peux dire que le groupe editorial (subteam of the redaction workgroup)
est dans le bon chemin, feel free to join us :

Thank you guys :)

Rached ALEYA
Ingénieur Informatique Temps Réel
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