Déclaration de correction du rapport FSEGS EVENT 9.03

ANIS GHELISSI anis.net at live.com
Sam 28 Mar 16:22:43 UTC 2009

Bsr les amis
j'ai lu le rapport sur la page https://wiki.ubuntu.com/TunisianTeam/TeamReporting#FSEGS%20Event%209.03 et je veut dire qu'il est bien fait mais j'ai vu quelques erreurs en anglais je voulais les signaler
(ligne 3:
the first was a presentation of ubuntu by Wajih Letaief, the second "presents" the Enterprise resource
la correction est 
the first was a presentation of ubuntu by Wajih Letaief, the second "presented" the Enterprise resource

(ligne 4
planning (ERP) by Rihab Loukil Haddar, the third introduces the virtualzation using VirtualBox by Wajih 
la correction
planning (ERP) by Rihab Loukil Haddar, the third introduced the virtualzation using VirtualBox by Wajih 

(ligne 9
OS called ”ubuntu” and allowed an excellent real life meeting between them. The day "end" with a lovely
la correction
OS called ”ubuntu” and allowed an excellent real life meeting between them. The day "ended" with a lovely

priére de corriger ces petits fautes
bon Travail

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