Lot Ubuntu-tn, Vol 28, Parution 4

Hanen Ben Rhouma hanen105 at gmail.com
Mar 24 Mar 00:08:33 UTC 2009

First of all, please Sir try to stick to a specific topic which needs to be
mentioned in the "subject" text box, in case of answer just reply on that
mail directly (too many threads for mainly the same discussion point or even
worse some email answers don't have the slightest relationship with the
first topic...freedom of expression is a gift that needs mutual respect
between us humans and "all to one" respect of all established rules into any
sort of community so please next time make sure to maintain an ergonomically
correct email so that it can be well maintained with following feedbacks).

For your Open Source suggestion, I guess you're here to share knowledge and
ideas if there's any, no need to focus on oneself thinking process and try
to collect people, that won't work in Open Source world, you need to reach a
convincing point at which interested persons will show up to express
motivation for what you've started doing given that your target -which will
be turned into theirs too- is the challenging question to work for its
answer so be generous, low-tempered and initiative taker and you'll see the
crowd around you.

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