Fwd: [sabily-users] AppRunner .. runs applications easier
ben bouzid mohamed
b.bouzid.mohamed at gmail.com
Sam 13 Juin 12:10:47 UTC 2009
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From: Saber OMRI <omrisaber at gmail.com>
Date: 2009/6/13
Subject: [sabily-users] AppRunner .. runs applications easier
To: "sabily.team" <sabily.team at lists.launchpad.net>,
sabily-users at googlegroups.com
Assalamu alaikom..
I found a useful software while i'm on web, it's "AppRunner" , a little prgm
that can run every program and script and binary "easier" ..
you find out more in this site : http://hacktolive.org/wiki/App_Runner
I think it's very useful to include (very small size)
Saber OMRI
Enseignant TIC
Al Manhal Scolaire : www.almanhal-bac.com
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Mohamed Ben Bouzid,
- Élève Ingénieur en Informatique à la Faculté des Sciences de Tunis.
- Membre de la DFSA (Digital Free Software Association).
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