Fwd: malla Ubuntu

ben bouzid mohamed b.bouzid.mohamed at gmail.com
Sam 14 Fév 01:17:43 UTC 2009

birrasmi malla ubuntu (linux en général)...

pour la source, faite la recherhce avec "Linux Unhackable At TippingPoint
il y en a plein de sites qui ne parle que de ça...

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Loukil Rami <loukil.rami at gmail.com>
Date: 2009/2/13
Subject: malla Ubuntu
To: heni hbaieb <hhbaieb at gmail.com>, b.bouzid.mohamed at gmail.com,
harbi.oussema at gmail.com

The Linux fans will be thrilled to find out that their favorite operating
system have proved the safest at the contest organized this week by the
security firm TippingPoint.

The contest was in Vancouver, Canada and it had three phases: during the
first day, only network attacks were allowed, but none of the laptops could
be broken into remotely. In the second day, rules stated that the hacker
could give instructions to a staff member. During the third day, the rules
of the contest allow the installation of popular 3rd party client
applications on the notebooks.

The prizes were $20,000 for those who would manage to break the security of
the laptops in the first day, $10,000 on day two and only $5,000 on the
third day.

Apple's MacBook was first to be hacked and for the team led by Charlie
Miller, an analyst at Independent Security Evaluators, two minutes were
enough to break the notebook.

The team of Charlie Miller, Jake Honoroff, and Mark Daniel from Independent
Security Evaluators has successfully compromised the Apple MacBook Air by
exploiting a brand new 0day vulnerability in Apple's Safari web browser.

In the third and final day Shane Macaulay from Security Objectives won the
Fujitsu U810 laptop running Vista Ultimate SP1 after it was installed with
the latest version of Adobe Flash.

In addition he won also $5,000, which he will probably share with the
friends who helped him, Derek Callaway and Alexander Sotirov.
At the end of the third day, a Sony Vaio VGN-TZ37CN laptop running Ubuntu
remained unhacked.

Mohamed Ben Bouzid,
- Élève Ingénieur en Informatique à la Faculté des Sciences de Tunis.
- Membre de la DFSA (Digital Free Software Association).
- Membre du CLLFST( Club du Logiciel Libre de Tunis).
- Membre de Ubuntu-tn.

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