Fwd: [CULLT:6081] Infamous Chinese pirates launch Ubuntu that looks just like Windows XP
ben bouzid mohamed
b.bouzid.mohamed at gmail.com
Lun 28 Déc 08:43:20 UTC 2009
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From: Sami Bel Hadj <sami.belhadj at gmail.com>
Date: 2009/12/28
Subject: [CULLT:6081] Infamous Chinese pirates launch Ubuntu that looks just
like Windows XP
To: CULLT <CULLT at googlegroups.com>, CULLT-EN <CULLT-EN at googlegroups.com>
Sami Bel Hadj
Senior ORACLE DBA at SunGard Global Trading
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Mohamed Ben Bouzid
Ingénieur Informatique : Sécurité réseaux et systèmes distribués.
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