Fwd: Live Webinar: What's New in VirtualBox 3.1
Rached ALEYA
rached.aleya at gmail.com
Jeu 10 Déc 20:40:15 UTC 2009
Live Webinar Dec 16: What's New in VirtualBox 3.1 - Reserve Your
! *What's New in VirtualBox
*Live Webinar, December
Dear Rached Aleya,
Join us on December 16th for the next edition of VirtualBox Live to learn
and ask questions about:
- News
- What's New in VirtualBox 3.1?
- Teleportation
- Speedups
- Snapshots 2.0
- Live demo
*Topic: *
What's New in VirtualBox 3.1
December 16, 2009
8:00 am PST / 11:00 am EST / 15:00 GMT (check your time
Andy Hall and Dr. Ulrich Möller, Senior VirtualBox Engineer
Access the webinar from the comfort of your own home or office.
If you want to save time, money and frustration, you'll want to join this
webinar on the world's most popular open source virtualization software.
* Reserve Your Space
If you have any questions or feedback, please send a message to
virtualboxinquiries at sun.com.
Thank you,
Sun Microsystems, Inc.
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Rached ALEYA
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