Fwd: [FSF] Video: We must make freedom our goal
Rached ALEYA
rached.aleya at gmail.com
Mer 2 Déc 21:32:36 UTC 2009
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Peter Brown <info at fsf.org>
Date: 2009/12/2
Subject: [FSF] Video: We must make freedom our goal
To: info-fsf at fsf.org
Dear free software supporter,
Please visit http://www.fsf.org/appeal/2009/freedom-is-the-goal now to
view a short video "We must make freedom our goal".
In this video I explain the inspiration behind the free software
movement and the 3 strategic ways in which the Free Software Foundation
works to advance the cause of free software.
Today, I also welcome one of our newest FSF associate members Daniel
Bell (member# 8156), who wrote the following message yesterday when joining:
"I'm a computer science student living in Dumfries, Scotland. Ever since
I started using GNU/Linux as my main operating system in 2007, I've been
advocating free software to my close friends and family. I wanted to
show my support to the Free Software Foundation by becoming a member."
--Daniel Bell member# 8156, joined 2009/12/01.
If your not a member already, you can get your FSF membership, member
number and membership card at http://www.fsf.org/join
Remember to tell us why you support free software and our work. We will
be featuring these messages on fsf.org.
Other ways you can help support our year-end campaign and support our
work in 2010:
* Make a donation https://my.fsf.org/associate/support_freedom/donate
* Ask your free software using employer to give back by joining the
FSF Patron Program http://www.fsf.org/donate/patron/
* Get a T-shirt or buy a book at http://shop.fsf.org/
* Purchase a gift membership for a friend or family member this
holiday season: http://fsf.org/associate/gift/.
* Put the video widget on your blog or website, or ask a
friend to add it to theirs: http://fsf.org/associate/widget/
* Subscribe your employer to our newsletter and FSF Bulletin
($240 annually): http://fsf.org/donate/subscription
The FSF campaign for software freedom needs and welcomes your support.
Peter and the Free Software Foundation team
Peter T. Brown
Executive Director
Free Software Foundation
info-fsf mailing list
info-fsf at gnu.org
Unsubscribe: http://lists.gnu.org/mailman/listinfo/info-fsf
Rached ALEYA
Ingénieur Informatique Temps Réel
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