Fwd: Issue #27 is out (and sorry about the lateness!)
mawale at ubuntu.com
Lun 3 Aou 06:33:21 UTC 2009
Bonjour tout le monde
Le nouveau N° de Full Circle Magazine
Le N° est en Anglais : pour les francophones, attendre un peu pour la
traduction par l'équipe de volontaires en place.
Bonne lecture.
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Full Circle Magazine <lists at fullcirclemagazine.org>
Date: 2009/8/3
Subject: Issue #27 is out (and sorry about the lateness!)
To: mawale.me at gmail.com
This month, we've got a new series for you readers; Programming in
Python! Besides that, we've got all the usual goodness:
* Command and Conquer
* How To: Program in Python - Part 1, Scan To PDF/DJVU, Associate A File Type
and Inkscape - Part 4.
* My Story - My Ubuntu Home Server.
* Review - Amarok 1.4.
* MOTU Interview - Nathan Handler.
* Top 5 - Screenshot Tools.
* Ubuntu Women, Ubuntu Games plus all the usual goodness!
Get it while it's hot! http://fullcirclemagazine.org/issue-27
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