thank for animation of the event at ras jebel (21-22 mars 2009) abdel_fath at
Dim 12 Avr 08:10:36 UTC 2009

I hope that is not late to say thank you to members of UBUNTU Tunisia for
their animation of the second days of computer culture in Ras Jebel
(22/21/20 April 2009). 

They began the first day by an introduction to UBUNTU as an operating
system, then they continued with an interaction between defend O S and
UBUNTU, second the virtualisation in UBUNTU with VirtualBox, then the
importance of free Software in creating job and in propagation of numeric
culture. And they finished the day with a presentation of APTONCD 


The second day was reserved to the theme: creation of a dynamic web site
with Joomla presented by Karim Fathallah and whe finished with a long
discussion about virtualization in UBUNTU with VirtualBox.


So thanks to:

Lahiani Chourouk

Rached Alaya

Mohamed Bouzid

Karim Bchini

Karim Fathallah


I think that this is the beginning a think it will be continued!



                                       Association de soutient informatique

Ras jebel Tunisia

                                           Fathallah Abdellaziz


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