Fwd: [UbuntuME] [Fwd: ubuntume remaster]

Abdelmonam Kouka abdelmonam.kouka at ubuntume.com
Jeu 31 Juil 07:56:57 UTC 2008


Moi aussi je transfer ce message reçu sur ubuntuME à l'équipe ubuntu-tn, il
s'agit d'une nouvelle distro basée sur ubuntu et ayant un menu semblable à
celui de vista pour familiariser les nouveaux migrant de l'empire de M$ vers
le monde de ubuntu avec Linux, le menu est disponible aussi pour être
installé sur un ubuntu standard. La plupart des gens d'ubuntuME ont refusé
de changer le menu de gnome par celui-ci mais ils ont eu l'idée d'avoir les
deux en même temps et laisser le chois au utilisateur. Je vous transmet ça
afin de savoir si l'idée est bonne pour l'integrer dans l'un des éventuels
CD à base d'ubuntu qu'on estime les réaliser dans notre équipe ubuntu-tn.
En pièce jointe une imprime écran.

PS: pour l'install de laversion minimale sur ubuntu standard, voici ce que
l'auteur a répondu à Mehdi dans un autre message
Dear Mehdi and Udienz,

 Please try again to install dewalinux-gdm-themes
 sudo apt-get update
 sudo apt-get purge dewalinux-gdm-themes
 sudo apt-get install dewalinux-gdm-themes

 I have made some corrections and I like to see if the problem is still


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: jmehdi <jmehdi at ubuntume.com>
Date: 29 juil. 2008 17:03
Subject: [UbuntuME] [Fwd: ubuntume remaster]
To: sudarko at gmail.com, UbuntuME mailing list <ubuntume at googlegroups.com>

I forward this message on the ubuntuME mailing list so people
contributing to ubuntuME can give their opinion.
(@sudarko: please subscribe to this mailing list here:

-------- Forwarded Message --------
From: Sudarko Darko <sudarko at gmail.com>
To: jmehdi at ubuntume.com
Subject: ubuntume remaster
Date: Tue, 29 Jul 2008 10:33:47 +0200

Dear Mehdi,

First I like to introduce my self, my name is Sudarko, I am from
Indonesia and at the moment I am doing my postdoctoral research in
Computational Chemistry at University Paris 12, Creteil. Insya-Allah, I
will be in creteil until end of March 2009.

I am developing a linux distribution for new linux user, the main
characteristic of my distro is that I used vista-start-menu instead of
the standard ubuntu menu. The linux distro is intended mainly for users
who are already used to work with ms-windows. In my country, there are
many users like these. My linux distro is getting more and more
popularity among users/institution which are in the process of migrating
from windows to linux. The distro is called Dewalinux
(www.dewalinux.web.id), but the information on the website is only in
I have also created meta package called dewalinux-desktop-minimalist, so
that the start-menu and other customizations can be installed on any
computer with ubuntu.

Therefore, I am wondering if the windows style start menu can be adopted
into ubuntuME next release. I will be glad to join ubuntume team and
helping you in implementing this idea.
If it is not possible to implement this idea, then I will
modify/remaster ubuntume and redistribute it under different name. And
also I like to add some other specific application needed many
traditional Islamic school in Indonesia.

If you have time, I like see you to discuss this idea in more detail.


عبد المنعم كوكة
Abdelmonam Kouka
Software Engineer
GNU/Linux user #450141
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"Some people see things as they are and say why.
I dream things that never were and say why not?"
                           [George Bernard Shaw]
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