English translation

Anis Chebbi chebbi_anis at hotmail.com
Dim 13 Juil 19:51:36 UTC 2008


Ubuntu-tn is a Tunisian team whose goal is to promote the use of Ubuntu Linux. Our objective is to gather information and documentation in order to make it possible to a Tunisian user to learn and share his experience so as to enrich others', and to bring his help to the these system users.

This site the official Web page of the Tunisian Team created by volunteers who share a common passion toward free software, believe in this distribution and abide by to the message that it conveys: "humanity to others".


 Our goals are:

    *Helping and convincing the Tunisians who wonder if Ubuntu is made for them.

    *Creating the tutorials on order to help new Tunisian users.

    *Helping the users to find and use software for Ubuntu.

    *Promoting Ubuntu in Tunisia, in particular in the educational and university circles.

    *Contributing to the development of Ubuntu and its translation into Arabic.


In progress and coming activities

   * Approval Application to be an official LoCo TEAM wiki page

    * Preparation of the workgroups roadmaps.

    * Translation of this page into Arabic and English


Past Events

   * Physical meeting on July 6, 2008 in Tunis.

    * Election of the Management Committee.

    * Install party of Ubuntu 8.04 at the ISET Charguiya (17/4/2007)

    * Install party of Ubuntu 8.04 at the ISI with the Freeways club. (30/4/2007)

    * Election and vote for the new logo. Here  

    *SFD'07 (27/10/2007)

 Our team participated in the Software Freedom Day 2007 (http://www.sfdtunisia.org) which took place at the city of sciences in Tunis during 27/10/2007 from 9 to 5.  Here are the preparations of the team.


How to subscribe

 There are no conditions to become member of the Tunisian team of Ubuntu. The process of subscription is simple and can be summarized in two stages:

    *Register to our Mailing-list

    *Supplement your registration by adding your name in our Member List


·         For any question or recommendation  : ubuntu-tn at lists.ubuntu.com 

·         IRC Channel: #ubuntu-tn on irc.freenode.net 

·         website : http://www.ubuntu-tn.org 

·         Mailing list subscription: https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-tn 

·         Forum : http://tunisie.ubuntuforums.org 

·         Launchpad :  https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-tn-users 

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