Ubuntu Muslim Edition 8.10 released

boubakri hichem boubakri.hichem at gmail.com
Mar 23 Déc 10:33:49 UTC 2008

assalam alykom
can i passed from ubuntu 8.04 to ubuntu me
beraka allah fikom

2008/12/22 Abdelmonam Kouka <abdelmonam.kouka at gmail.com>

> Assalamo alaykom,
> Sorry to announce that with a delay of one month:
> Bismilleh walhamdolilleh wassaleto wasselemo ala rasolilleh,
> Assalamo alaykom wa rahmato Allah,
> The Ubuntu Muslim Edition team is proud to announce the release of UbuntuME
> 8.10. This release is only available as an installable DVD.
> Highlights:
> * WebStrict (parental control tool) enabled by default (so as browsing the
> Internet is safe)
> * Zekr 0.7.1 (Quran study tool) installed and configured to play Quran
> recitations
> * Minbar and Firefox "Pray Times" addon installed
> * Monajat (display Islamic prayers)
> * Thwab (encyclopedia)
> * UbuntuME artworks: usplash, login screen, islamic wallpapers, theme etc.
> Quran recitations provided by www.versebyversequran.com: Muhammad Siddeeq
> al-Minshawi (16kbps, 193 MB), Huzify (24 kbps, 322 MB), Sa'ad al-Ghamadi (40
> kbps, 433 MB) and Mishary Rashed Alafasy (40 kbps, 508 MB)
> Tons of useful softwares have been added on the DVD:
> * multimedia: libraries for reading DVDs, codecs, flash player, vlc etc.
> * Education: full suite of softwares for kids (kturtle, tuxmath, tuxpaint,
> gcompris etc.), stellarium, celestia etc.
>  * Miscellaneous: scribux, inkscape, virtualbox, Adobe Reader, skype,
> ubuntu tweak, envyng, and a lot of utilities (compizconfig-settings-manager,
> nautilus-open-terminal, glipper, galternatives, startupmanager, pessulus
> etc.)
> * Arabic support: language-pack-ar, aspell-ar, acon, bicon
> The full list of packages and their description is available here:
> www.ubuntume.com/contents
> To get Ubuntu Muslim Edition 8.10: www.ubuntume.com/installation
> --
> ------------------------------------------------
> عبد المنعم كوكة
> Abdelmonam Kouka
> Software Engineer
> GNU/Linux user #450141
> GPG Fingerprint: EC21 1E4E 5B0C E4E7 0D64  3305 0D62 75C9 2C15 16E0
> ================================================
> "Some people see things as they are and say why.
> I dream things that never were and say why not?"
>                           [George Bernard Shaw]
> ================================================
> http://www.ubuntume.com/
> http://arabeyes.org/
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