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Zied ABID ziedabid at
Jeu 21 Aou 07:01:01 UTC 2008

Good news !!
Merci Meher.

On Wed, Aug 20, 2008 at 11:39 PM, nizar kerkeni <nizar.kerkeni at>wrote:

> c'est une bonne chose pour ubuntu et la linux foundation
> 2008/8/20 Bouanani Meher <bouanani.meher at>
>> Canonical <>, the commercial sponsor of the
>> Ubuntu Linux distribution, is now a member of the Linux Foundation<>(LF). The foundation, a nonprofit organization supporting the accelerated
>> growth of Linux, announced Canonical's membership on Tuesday.
>> Ubuntu community members have been active participants in a variety of
>> workgroups at LF, including the Linux Standard Base, Desktop Architects and
>> Driver Backporting groups. In addition, Canonical supports a range of other
>> open source projects including Bazaar, Storm and Upstart.
>> "Ubuntu has a huge user base and substantial community support around the
>> world. We think the passion these users have for Linux and the open source
>> movement generally will be important in helping the Linux Foundation to
>> accelerate the uptake of Linux in organizations of all size," Andrew
>> Rodaway, director of marketing [image: Learn how you can enhance your
>> email marketing program today. Free Trial - Click Here.]<>for Canonical, told LinuxInsider.
>> All in the Timing With Canonical's support, user interests for both
>> commercial and community versions of Ubuntu will be represented, according
>> to LF officials.
>> The Linux Foundation is an increasingly influential organization in the
>> enterprise [image: Rackspace now offers green hosting solutions at the
>> same cost without sacrificing performance. Make the eco-friendly choice.]<>market, and Canonical is increasing its own footprint in the same space,
>> Rodaway noted.
>> "So it seemed logical for us to join the other major vendors supporting
>> the Linux Foundation at this time," he said.
>>  Sideline Participant
>> Despite Ubuntu's popularity as a Linux distribution, Canonical has not
>> been directly associated with the Linux Foundation until now.
>> "Even though [Canonical and Ubuntu have] been participating in our
>> activities for the last few years, the direct association with them means
>> we'll have closer coordination across their organization. It also means they
>> see enough value in what we do to financially support it," Amanda McPherson,
>> LF's vice president of marketing and developer programs, told LinuxInsider.
>> "We have great respect for all the other distros and the people that
>> create and use them," Rodaway added. "That's a fundamental part of the
>> Ubuntu philosophy. The many different types of distros are one of the
>> greatest strengths of Linux over proprietary solutions, where you basically
>> have to take what you are given."
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