Build failed in Jenkins: quantal-upgrade-precise-desktop » amd64,non-lts,desktop,upgrade-test #121

Jenkins Notification devnull at
Fri Aug 31 21:01:06 UTC 2012

See <,LTS=non-lts,PROFILE=desktop,label=upgrade-test/121/>

[...truncated 15458 lines...]

Found initrd image: /boot/initrd.img-3.2.0-29-generic

Found memtest86+ image: /boot/memtest86+.bin


Removing python-brlapi ...

Removing python-dateutil ...

Removing python-egenix-mxdatetime ...

Removing python-egenix-mxtools ...

Removing python-gdbm ...

Removing python-libproxy ...

Removing python-louis ...

Removing python-packagekit ...

Removing python-pyatspi2 ...

Removing unity-2d-common ...

Removing unity-2d-panel ...

Removing unity-2d-shell ...

Removing unity-2d-spread ...

Processing triggers for fontconfig ...

Processing triggers for doc-base ...

Processing 1 removed doc-base file...

Processing triggers for man-db ...

Processing triggers for hicolor-icon-theme ...

Processing triggers for desktop-file-utils ...

Processing triggers for bamfdaemon ...

Rebuilding /usr/share/applications/bamf.index...

Processing triggers for gnome-menus ...

Processing triggers for libglib2.0-0:amd64 ...

warning: Schema 'com.canonical.notify-osd' has path '/apps/notify-osd/'.  Paths starting with '/apps/', '/desktop/' or '/system/' are deprecated.

warning: Schema 'com.canonical.Unity.ApplicationsLens' has path '/desktop/unity/lenses/applications/'.  Paths starting with '/apps/', '/desktop/' or '/system/' are deprecated.

warning: Schema 'com.canonical.Unity.Runner' has path '/desktop/unity/runner/'.  Paths starting with '/apps/', '/desktop/' or '/system/' are deprecated.

warning: Schema 'com.canonical.Unity.FilesLens' has path '/desktop/unity/lenses/files/'.  Paths starting with '/apps/', '/desktop/' or '/system/' are deprecated.

warning: Schema 'com.canonical.indicator.session' has path '/apps/indicator-session/'.  Paths starting with '/apps/', '/desktop/' or '/system/' are deprecated.

warning: Schema 'com.ubuntu.update-manager' has path '/apps/update-manager/'.  Paths starting with '/apps/', '/desktop/' or '/system/' are deprecated.

warning: Schema 'apps.onboard' has path '/apps/onboard/'.  Paths starting with '/apps/', '/desktop/' or '/system/' are deprecated.

warning: Schema '' has path '/apps/onboard/auto-show/'.  Paths starting with '/apps/', '/desktop/' or '/system/' are deprecated.

warning: Schema 'apps.onboard.keyboard' has path '/apps/onboard/keyboard/'.  Paths starting with '/apps/', '/desktop/' or '/system/' are deprecated.

warning: Schema 'apps.onboard.window' has path '/apps/onboard/window/'.  Paths starting with '/apps/', '/desktop/' or '/system/' are deprecated.

warning: Schema 'apps.onboard.window.landscape' has path '/apps/onboard/window/landscape/'.  Paths starting with '/apps/', '/desktop/' or '/system/' are deprecated.

warning: Schema 'apps.onboard.window.portrait' has path '/apps/onboard/window/portrait/'.  Paths starting with '/apps/', '/desktop/' or '/system/' are deprecated.

warning: Schema 'apps.onboard.icon-palette' has path '/apps/onboard/icon-palette/'.  Paths starting with '/apps/', '/desktop/' or '/system/' are deprecated.

warning: Schema 'apps.onboard.icon-palette.landscape' has path '/apps/onboard/icon-palette/landscape/'.  Paths starting with '/apps/', '/desktop/' or '/system/' are deprecated.

warning: Schema 'apps.onboard.icon-palette.portrait' has path '/apps/onboard/icon-palette/portrait/'.  Paths starting with '/apps/', '/desktop/' or '/system/' are deprecated.

warning: Schema 'apps.onboard.universal-access' has path '/apps/onboard/universal-access/'.  Paths starting with '/apps/', '/desktop/' or '/system/' are deprecated.

warning: Schema 'apps.onboard.theme-settings' has path '/apps/onboard/theme-settings/'.  Paths starting with '/apps/', '/desktop/' or '/system/' are deprecated.

warning: Schema 'apps.onboard.lockdown' has path '/apps/onboard/lockdown/'.  Paths starting with '/apps/', '/desktop/' or '/system/' are deprecated.

warning: Schema 'apps.onboard.scanner' has path '/apps/onboard/scanner/'.  Paths starting with '/apps/', '/desktop/' or '/system/' are deprecated.

warning: Schema 'org.freedesktop.Geoclue' has path '/apps/geoclue/'.  Paths starting with '/apps/', '/desktop/' or '/system/' are deprecated.

warning: Schema 'org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Logger' has path '/apps/telepathy-logger/'.  Paths starting with '/apps/', '/desktop/' or '/system/' are deprecated.

warning: Schema 'org.gnome.Vino' has path '/desktop/gnome/remote-access/'.  Paths starting with '/apps/', '/desktop/' or '/system/' are deprecated.

warning: Schema 'org.gnome.crypto.cache' has path '/desktop/gnome/crypto/cache/'.  Paths starting with '/apps/', '/desktop/' or '/system/' are deprecated.

warning: Schema 'org.gnome.crypto.pgp' has path '/desktop/gnome/crypto/pgp/'.  Paths starting with '/apps/', '/desktop/' or '/system/' are deprecated.

warning: Schema 'org.gnome.seahorse' has path '/apps/seahorse/'.  Paths starting with '/apps/', '/desktop/' or '/system/' are deprecated.

warning: Schema 'org.gnome.seahorse.manager' has path '/apps/seahorse/listing/'.  Paths starting with '/apps/', '/desktop/' or '/system/' are deprecated.

warning: Schema 'org.gnome.system.locale' has path '/system/locale/'.  Paths starting with '/apps/', '/desktop/' or '/system/' are deprecated.

warning: Schema 'org.gnome.system.proxy' has path '/system/proxy/'.  Paths starting with '/apps/', '/desktop/' or '/system/' are deprecated.

warning: Schema 'org.gnome.system.proxy.http' has path '/system/proxy/http/'.  Paths starting with '/apps/', '/desktop/' or '/system/' are deprecated.

warning: Schema 'org.gnome.system.proxy.https' has path '/system/proxy/https/'.  Paths starting with '/apps/', '/desktop/' or '/system/' are deprecated.

warning: Schema 'org.gnome.system.proxy.ftp' has path '/system/proxy/ftp/'.  Paths starting with '/apps/', '/desktop/' or '/system/' are deprecated.

warning: Schema 'org.gnome.system.proxy.socks' has path '/system/proxy/socks/'.  Paths starting with '/apps/', '/desktop/' or '/system/' are deprecated.

warning: Schema '' has path '/apps/shotwell/sharing/org-yorba-shotwell-publishing-piwigo/'.  Paths starting with '/apps/', '/desktop/' or '/system/' are deprecated.

warning: Schema '' has path '/apps/shotwell/sharing/org-yorba-shotwell-publishing-yandex-fotki/'.  Paths starting with '/apps/', '/desktop/' or '/system/' are deprecated.

warning: Schema 'org.yorba.shotwell' has path '/apps/shotwell/'.  Paths starting with '/apps/', '/desktop/' or '/system/' are deprecated.

warning: Schema 'org.yorba.shotwell.preferences' has path '/apps/shotwell/preferences/'.  Paths starting with '/apps/', '/desktop/' or '/system/' are deprecated.

warning: Schema 'org.yorba.shotwell.preferences.ui' has path '/apps/shotwell/preferences/ui/'.  Paths starting with '/apps/', '/desktop/' or '/system/' are deprecated.

warning: Schema 'org.yorba.shotwell.preferences.slideshow' has path '/apps/shotwell/preferences/slideshow/'.  Paths starting with '/apps/', '/desktop/' or '/system/' are deprecated.

warning: Schema 'org.yorba.shotwell.preferences.window' has path '/apps/shotwell/preferences/window/'.  Paths starting with '/apps/', '/desktop/' or '/system/' are deprecated.

warning: Schema 'org.yorba.shotwell.preferences.files' has path '/apps/shotwell/preferences/files/'.  Paths starting with '/apps/', '/desktop/' or '/system/' are deprecated.

warning: Schema 'org.yorba.shotwell.crop-settings' has path '/apps/shotwell/crop-settings/'.  Paths starting with '/apps/', '/desktop/' or '/system/' are deprecated.

warning: Schema 'org.yorba.shotwell.preferences.editing' has path '/apps/shotwell/preferences/editing/'.  Paths starting with '/apps/', '/desktop/' or '/system/' are deprecated.

warning: Schema 'org.yorba.shotwell.sharing' has path '/apps/shotwell/sharing/'.  Paths starting with '/apps/', '/desktop/' or '/system/' are deprecated.

warning: Schema 'org.yorba.shotwell.sharing.facebook' has path '/apps/shotwell/sharing/facebook/'.  Paths starting with '/apps/', '/desktop/' or '/system/' are deprecated.

warning: Schema '' has path '/apps/shotwell/sharing/flickr/'.  Paths starting with '/apps/', '/desktop/' or '/system/' are deprecated.

warning: Schema 'org.yorba.shotwell.sharing.picasa' has path '/apps/shotwell/sharing/picasa/'.  Paths starting with '/apps/', '/desktop/' or '/system/' are deprecated.

warning: Schema '' has path '/apps/shotwell/sharing/youtube/'.  Paths starting with '/apps/', '/desktop/' or '/system/' are deprecated.

warning: Schema 'org.yorba.shotwell.dataimports' has path '/apps/shotwell/dataimports/'.  Paths starting with '/apps/', '/desktop/' or '/system/' are deprecated.

warning: Schema '' has path '/apps/shotwell/video/'.  Paths starting with '/apps/', '/desktop/' or '/system/' are deprecated.

warning: Schema 'org.yorba.shotwell.printing' has path '/apps/shotwell/printing/'.  Paths starting with '/apps/', '/desktop/' or '/system/' are deprecated.

warning: Schema 'org.yorba.shotwell.plugins' has path '/apps/shotwell/plugins/'.  Paths starting with '/apps/', '/desktop/' or '/system/' are deprecated.

warning: Schema 'org.yorba.shotwell.plugins.enable-state' has path '/apps/shotwell/plugins/enable-state/'.  Paths starting with '/apps/', '/desktop/' or '/system/' are deprecated.

Processing triggers for libc-bin ...

ldconfig deferred processing now taking place

Processing triggers for gconf2 ...

QEMU 0.14.1 monitor - type 'help' for more information
(qemu) INFO:root:running 'share/post_upgrade_tests/' post_upgrade_test
Ran 1 test in 5.163s

INFO:root:running 'share/post_upgrade_tests/' post_upgrade_test
Ran 2 tests in 0.002s

INFO:root:running 'share/post_upgrade_tests/' post_upgrade_test
Not an Ubuntu Desktop LTS upgrade. Skipping!
INFO:root:running 'share/post_upgrade_tests/' post_upgrade_test
FAIL: test_dpkgdist (__main__.TestConfFiles)
Check for existence of *.dpkg-dist files
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/tmp/", line 66, in test_dpkgdist
    "\n  ".join(dpkgdist_files))
AssertionError: *.dpkg-dist files found after upgrade:

FAIL: test_obsolete_configfile (__main__.TestConfFiles)
Check for obsolete config files after upgrade
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/tmp/", line 55, in test_obsolete_configfile
AssertionError: Obsolete config file found. Check log file '/tmp/obsolete_conffiles.log'

Ran 2 tests in 0.249s

FAILED (failures=2)
INFO:root:running 'share/post_upgrade_tests/' post_upgrade_test
INFO:root:running 'share/post_upgrade_tests/te2012-08-31 20:40:54.230784 log started
Not bootstrapping again, we have a cached BaseImage
Starting for upgrade
Starting ['kvm', '-hda', '/home/upgrade-tester//auto-upgrade-tester/test-image.quantal-desktop-amd64', '-monitor', 'stdio', '-localtime', '-no-reboot', '-net', 'nic,model=virtio', '-net', 'user', '-redir', 'tcp:54323::22', '-vnc', 'localhost:5', '-m', '1536']
Copying '/home/upgrade-tester/auto-upgrade-tester/profiles/quantal-desktop-amd64/DistUpgrade.cfg' to image overrides
Copying '/home/upgrade-tester/auto-upgrade-tester/profiles/override.cfg.d/global.cfg' to image overrides
Disabling ForceOverwrite
Using do-release-upgrade for the upgrade returned: 0
coyping the result
Shuting down the VM
stop pid:  <subprocess.Popen object at 0xdf7bd0>
waiting for qemu to shutdown
poll() returned
qemu stopped
Starting ['kvm', '-hda', '/home/upgrade-tester//auto-upgrade-tester/test-image.quantal-desktop-amd64', '-monitor', 'stdio', '-localtime', '-no-reboot', '-net', 'nic,model=virtio', '-net', 'user', '-redir', 'tcp:54323::22', '-vnc', 'localhost:5', '-m', '1536']
WARNING: post_upgrade_test 'share/post_upgrade_tests/' failed
stop pid:  <subprocess.Popen object at 0xdf7bd0>
waiting for qemu to shutdown
poll() returned
qemu stopped
WARNING: crash files detected on the upgrade
FAILED: test for '/home/upgrade-tester/auto-upgrade-tester/profiles/quantal-desktop-amd64'
Failed in post upgrade test /home/upgrade-tester/auto-upgrade-tester/profiles/quantal-desktop-amd64
Logs can be found here:
2012-08-31 21:01:04.239281 log ended.
Duration: 0:20:10.008497
Profile '/home/upgrade-tester/auto-upgrade-tester/profiles/quantal-desktop-amd64' FAILED
Releasing lock: /var/lock/auto-upgrade-tester.54323.lock
Releasing lock: /var/lock/auto-upgrade-tester.5905.lock
+ cp -ar /home/upgrade-tester/auto-upgrade-tester/result/quantal-desktop-amd64/ <,LTS=non-lts,PROFILE=desktop,label=upgrade-test/ws/results>
cp: cannot open `/home/upgrade-tester/auto-upgrade-tester/result/quantal-desktop-amd64/_usr_lib_x86_64-linux-gnu_colord_colord-sane.104.crash' for reading: Permission denied
Build step 'Execute shell' marked build as failure
Archiving artifacts
Recording test results

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