Launchpad PPAs: service availability and whiteboards

Celso Providelo celso.providelo at
Wed Mar 25 18:26:35 UTC 2009

Hello Telepathy,

I have two items of news affecting your Personal Package Archive:

 * PPAs will be offline for maintenance for 30 minutes from 16.00 UTC on
   Friday the 27th March
 * we're considering removing whiteboards from PPA overview pages.

We've noticed that some people have used their PPA's whiteboard to
communicate with users of that PPA. Unfortunately, the whiteboard is
only visible to the PPA's owners: either the individual who created the 
PPA or, in the case of team PPAs, the team's administrators.

Instead, your PPA's description is the best way to communicate with 
people who visit its overview page.

We in the Launchpad team would like to solve this confusion by removing
PPA whiteboards. Before we go ahead, we'd like to know if that would
have a negative effect on you. 

Please reply to me directly over the next two days, if you have any 
comments on this proposal, and I'll discuss them with the rest of the
Launchpad team.


Celso Providelo <celso.providelo at>
IRC: cprov,  Jabber: cprov at
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