[உபுண்டு தமிழகம்]லெக்ஸ்மார்க் பிரின்டர்..

Tirumurti Vasudevan agnihot3 at gmail.com
Wed Aug 8 10:53:11 BST 2007

when somebody posts a question like this i get irritated.
where are the details?why does he not specify what model it is and if
he has used the system>admin>printing way to install driver.
if one says i have tried this and it does not work then we should do
something about it.
the modem should have been detected automatically if it was connected
during installation and if has not been there is a problem perhaps.
again the details...

On 8/8/07, senthil raja <senthil.nkkl at gmail.com> wrote:
> I think, we can help the lawyer in solving the problem.
> On 8/8/07, ம. ஸ்ரீ ராமதாஸ் <amachu at ubuntu.com> wrote:
> >
> > வழக்குறைஞர் ஜயவேல் எழுதுகிறார்,
> >
> > I have got a unbuntu installed in my computer but i can not find the
> printers driver for lexmark printer and Modem( PCI) can u help me. Now
> Honorable PM has supplied all the Judges of this country a laptop embedded
> with red hat, I think that is a giant stepforward in the usage of Linux. But
> the IT community must come forward to train nonITian like me. We are
> prepared to sit before the computers whether in chat mode or real class
> rooms
> >
> > விடையிருக்கிறதா?


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