Testing report for http://download.sugarlabs.org/usr/USR-i386-20100902.iso

Thomas C Gilliard satellit at bendbroadband.com
Fri Sep 3 00:21:17 BST 2010


It look quite nice:

Testing report for http://download.sugarlabs.org/usr/USR-i386-20100902.iso

Tom Gilliard


1_)Activities run as Live CD

+ in F3 ring as favorite

Read 78+   (failed to start)  line 28 in <module> import evince  
 .../evince,so: undefined symbol: ev_selection_get_selection_map
Flipsticks 1  (hangs up after several exports) error: list index out of 
range  (hangs up and will not stop)
Log Viewer 6
Slider Puzzle 5
Turtle Art 31+
Calculate 30+
Chat 66+
Connect 22
Terminal 28   (top icon for root fails: should command "sudo su" which 
works in live CD)
Memorize 34+
jigsaw Puzzle 8  ("j.." not caps on title not-consistent nameing)
Poll 26
Write 70+
Physics 5
Pippy 36+  (starts but "ImportError: No Module named pippy" when try to 
run some examples

2-) Control Panel
CP/About my Computer:
Ubuntu maverick (development branch)

Languages: Dari/English/Kreyol/Pashto

Software Updates:
Pippy 36>37
Terminal 28>31
Calculate 30>32
Turtle art 31>96
Slider Puzzle 5>8
Flipsticks 1>6
Read 78>86

Keyboard & Timezones look normal

Modem configuration  Number*99#    rest empty

jabber.sugarlabs.org  Radio checked

Date and Time looks normal

corner instantaneous / Edge never

3-) f1 neighborhood shows other avitars on jabber
 Note: dropdown box offers logout which in a trap for live user as not 
possible to log back in. Should only be available in a HD install of USR 
where there is a user and password
       unfortunately  shutdown option does nothing and user has to use 
logout to get to shutdown on gdm rt bottom bar. This is a bug

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