Status of web browsing in Sugar on Ubuntu Maverick

Luke Faraone luke at
Tue Aug 24 03:24:07 BST 2010

Hi all,

Currently, we are nearing the deadline for the Ubuntu release. The
Feature Freeze has already passed, so any new packages will need release
team approval.

As-is, we do not have either Browse (xulrunner) or Surf (webkit)
included in Ubuntu.

Browse depends on python-hulahop, which is a wrapper around pyxpcom.
From what I understand, pyxpcom was dropped from upstream xulrunner.
Efforts have been made to package pyxpcom, and there are debs available
for Debian, but as of today it has not been accepted into Debian or Ubuntu.

pyxpcom currently has no upstream maintainer. From my discussions with
members of the Ubuntu team, it seems that it will not be included in
Maverick unless assurances are made that it will be kept updated with
new upstream Firefox releases, per the new Mozilla support model.

Surf depends on Python bindings of Webkit, which are packaged, but as of
current in my testing Surf crashes on clicking on a link. (in Debian, I
also need to test in Ubuntu) This makes the browser generally unusable.
The long term plan, from what I understand it, is to move over to
GObject introspection rather than the language-specific Python bindings.


│Luke Faraone                          ╭Debian / Ubuntu Developer╮│
│                ╰Sugar Labs, Systems Admin╯│
│PGP: 5189 2A7D 16D0 49BB 046B  DC77 9732 5DD8 F9FD D506          │

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