Fwd: Fullscreen Bug
Thomas C Gilliard
satellit at bendbroadband.com
Fri Aug 13 18:35:33 BST 2010
> http://wiki.sugarlabs.org/go/The_undiscoverable#Sugar-Emulator_Screen_Size_Adjustment
Sugar-Emulator Screen Size Adjustment
* In Terminal:
|sugar-emulator -i 600x500| (fits the screen for a 10" Netbook
as a window)
|sugar-emulator -f| (Full Screen)
* Help for sugar-emulator
|sugar-emulator --help|
* Modify the menu item Applications->Education->Sugar
Use 'Main Menu' utility (alacarte) or edit a separate launcher
1. [right click]->[add launcher to desktop]
2. right click on icon on desktop
3. Properties, Command:/usr/bin/sugar-emulator *-i 832x624*
4. Close
* Now a smaller Xephyr window will launch
o 832x624 matches the XO display proportions (Pages in Browse
will mimic the layout of those on an XO.)
Tom Giiliard
Manusheel Gupta wrote:
> Dipankar,
> Neat analysis.
> Team, any pointers we wish to share on this issue?
> Regards,
> Manu
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: Dipankar Patro <dipankar at seeta.in>
> Date: Fri, Aug 13, 2010 at 10:25 PM
> Subject: Fullscreen Bug
> To: Manusheel Gupta <manu at laptop.org>
> Sir,
> Following is the observation regarding the bug:
> https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/sugar-0.88/+bug/614388
> The bug was filed with testing on virtual box only which I forgot to
> mention.
> I tried to reproduce the bug on my laptop which is running on Ubuntu:
> - Set the resolution to 640x480.
> - Start the emulator.
> Result: the emulator started with fullscreen.
> -Repeated the same steps on virtual box.
> Result: the emulator did not start with fullscreen.
> Next test on laptop:
> - Set the resolution to 800x600.
> - Start the emulator.
> Result: the emulator started in windowed mode. Noticed some cropping at the
> bottom.
> I think the resolution 800x 600 needs to be checked out a bit.
> If it is possible I will like to experiment on it a bit more before closing
> the bug tomorrow.
> Dipankar
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