Fwd: ITP: sugar-moon-activity -- Moon is a simple Lunar phase activity for Sugar, including upcoming Lunar eclipse information and effects.

Manusheel Gupta manu at laptop.org
Sat Aug 7 14:32:18 BST 2010

Copying ubuntu-sugar list serv for archiving the reviews on



---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Ankur Khurana <ankur at seeta.in>
Date: Sat, Aug 7, 2010 at 9:03 AM
Subject: Re: ITP: sugar-moon-activity -- Moon is a simple Lunar phase
activity for Sugar, including upcoming Lunar eclipse information and
To: Ishan Bansal <ishan at seeta.in>
Cc: Neeraj Gupta <neeraj at seeta.in>, Manusheel Gupta <manu at seeta.in>,

Review of activity based on commit:on initial commit:
1.There is no pristine branch.When pushing use --all after git push and
before the address to be pushed.I have updated the google doc, please take a
look at it as well.

2.dont use © in copyright file. and give ',' after the year and before the
copyright holder.check copyright_hints to check any other copyright holder.

3.order of files in copyright is:

 1) default - i.e. "*" or the Files: lines left out completely
 2) subdir match using wildcard
 3) file match
 4) explicit path match
 5) ./debian/* match
 6) debian subdir match - e.g. ./debian/patches/*
please try to follow this order.

4.Always, Always run clean rule before you add anything to git or upload
it.It removes lot of uneccesaary files.

5.In Control file, always wrap your description at 72 characters per
liune.if use next line to complete the description.You might like to change
sugar moon activity to Sugar Moon Activity in description in control file.

6 In README.sources file, you might like to remove from line 19 to 74 as it
does not concerns our packages as of now.

7.Well your format of giving url in watch file is wrong.
It should be like this :

I think, make these changes first, will have a other look aftere sometime.

On Sat, Aug 7, 2010 at 2:10 AM, Ishan Bansal <ishan at seeta.in> wrote:

> plz review the package-: sugar-moon-activity
> Regards,
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