Sugar vs Sugar-0.84 on Karmic

Luke Faraone luke.faraone at
Wed Nov 11 20:52:56 GMT 2009

On Wed, Nov 11, 2009 at 15:11, David Robert Lewis (ethnopunk) <
ethnopunk at> wrote:

> I've finally done a complete upgrade and am curious to see where the
> Ubuntu Sugar project is in  terms of Karmic
> There are now two different version of sugar in the repos. Sugar and
> Sugar-84. Which one do you recommend for ordinary users of karmic?
> Would I be correct in assuming Sugar is now stable, and .84 is purely
> development?

IIRC, "sugar" refers to the 0.82 Sugar shipped on the most recent OLPC XO
release. "sugar-0.84" is stable and supported, but the most recent upstream
stable release of Sugar is 0.86.

Essentially, the Ubuntu Sugar packages are a complete mess. David Farning is
working on it in<>,
and, while the packages are of beta quality, are IMO your best bet for a
properly packaged Sugar.

Luke Faraone
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