Status of Sugar on Ubuntu

Morgan Collett morgan.collett at
Thu Feb 5 20:48:48 GMT 2009

Here's the status of Sugar on Ubuntu:

[ Help wanted sign ]

== Sugar 0.82 on Intrepid (8.10) ==

There are various bugs and issues with Sugar 0.82 on Intrepid.

I've finally got a fix released for the problem of Browse not starting
- it breaks every time we get a Firefox security update and we need to
go through the process of getting hulahop rebuilt against the newer
xulrunner path and uploaded to -proposed, tested and pushed out to

Other issues in Intrepid include needing support for Network Manager
0.7, and the Journal appearing not to store any entries (which is a
xapian corruption thing fixed in Debian which we need to apply to
sugar-datastore). We need to get these fixed, and there are patches
available, so it takes people to do the packaging, sponsor the
uploads, test the results, and keep testing and giving feedback.

== Sugar 0.84 on Jaunty (9.04) ==

I've been working on packaging Sugar (sucrose) 0.83.x for jaunty. At
this stage, the packages are uploaded to a PPA: Don't expect them to work
yet, but if you have a troubleshooting mindset, please do help test.
I've got tickets open for uploads to jaunty, ready for sponsoring. In
the mean time, jaunty still has 0.82.x.

(Please note that PPAs now have signing keys, so you need to add the
GPG key to your apt config. Instructions are on the PPA page.)

I've packaged glucose and Browse and Chat for now. I could use help
packaging the rest of the activities that we have in the archive.

Also, we need to get Read and Write working for Jaunty, which means
evince and libabiword. I know Tomeu's working on the former, and Luke
on the latter. Please give feedback to the Ubuntu Sugar Team if you
are stuck, or if you have been in contact with the Ubuntu packagers
for these.

== Logging bugs ==

If you have problems with Sugar on Ubuntu, please report bugs per the
instructions on If you don't
report a bug, please at least let us know by mailing the Ubuntu Sugar
Team (ubuntu-sugarteam at


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