Sugar and Edubuntu

Jordan Mantha laserjock at
Tue Nov 11 23:51:15 GMT 2008

On Tue, Nov 11, 2008 at 3:21 AM, Morgan Collett
<morgan.collett at> wrote:
> On Tue, Nov 11, 2008 at 11:41, Jonas Smedegaard <dr at> wrote:
>> Hash: SHA1
>> On Mon, Nov 10, 2008 at 09:41:37PM -0800, Jordan Mantha wrote:
>>>On Mon, Nov 10, 2008 at 6:23 AM, Morgan Collett
>>><morgan.collett at> wrote:
>>>> For jaunty, we need to review our patches and merge from sid since
>>>> they have caught up with upstream as far as I know - but Sugar
>>>> upstream has started on an unstable release series which should
>>>> hopefully lead to a new stable release series in time for Jaunty.
>>>Just as a follow up from a discussion with Morgan, there is now:
>> The last squeak-vm entry, "changes", is a broken link.
>> I wanted to look closer due to the quite unfortunate introduction of an
>> epoc, making it difficult to track (squeak-vm in Debian in fact use
>> _newer_ upstream source than ubuntu, it seems).
> It turns out Ubuntu's had squeak since dapper at least - 2006 -
> through Edubuntu. The Ubuntu Sugar Team hasn't done anything with
> squeak yet, but it's on my radar.

Looking at the publishing record it looks like we had it since at least Breezy.

Ubuntu normally takes packages from Debian, however because of the
Squeak licensing situation most people had given up on ever having
Squeak in Debian proper. Some of the Squeak people, namely Lex Spoon
and later Matej Kosik, started running their own repository on .

During Gutsy and Hardy, Lex and Matej worked with me to "sync" up so
that Ubuntu would be deriving from at least some "official" squeak
source. I assumed that if Squeak was to ever make it into Debian that
they would use Lex and Matej's packages. However, as it turns out José
L. Redrejo Rodríguez was creating his own packages around that time
and now we are stuck with an epoc. At the time Rodríguez's packages
did not work very well in my testing on Ubuntu so I went with the work
I'd already done with Lex and Matej for Hardy so as to Ubuntu users a
working Squeak.

> I've cced Jordan Mantha who has been maintaining squeak-vm in Ubuntu.

Thanks. If you need an more squeak-in-Ubuntu history or info on the
packages I did let me know :-)


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