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<p>I recently upgraded from Ubuntu Studio 16.04 to 18.04. Some
things got reset and need changing back to how I want.</p>
<p>I want the calendar to start on Sunday, and managed to get that
done by editing en_GB locale file, making first weekday = 1.</p>
<p>But, now in all other programs, the date formats are in US
format, e.g. May 03, 2019; but I want them back to the UK format
of 3 May 2019.</p>
<p>Despite the en_GB locale file seeming to have all the right
settings, I am now stuck with dates in US format, which is hard to
read, e.g. 05/03/19 -- is that 5th of March or 3rd of May?</p>
<p>So how can I get it have Sunday as first day of week, and all
date formats in UK format (as it all was back in 16.04)?</p>