<div dir="ltr"><div><div><div><div><div><div><div><div><div>Thanks Pablo, now I understand what was happening (and I've also understood better what Kaj explained)!<br></div>Switching too fast from a jack-aware to a non-jack-aware program without using properly qjackclt was causing the audio system to block. <br></div>Using "killall -9 jackd jackdbus qjackctl" is a wonderful plane B when qjackctl is used properly but some unexpected behavior still occurs.<br><br></div>Many many thanks!!! :-)<br><br></div>The only strange issue still in place is about Hydrogen itself:<br></div>If in "preferences"> "audio system" I specify the explicit use of "jack" the system need a driver reload, but after that, if I go again in "audio sys" the setting is "auto" and not "jack" (or whatever other option was selected), so it seems Hydrogen doesn't keep the setting I selected. <br></div><br>This doesn't cause Hydrogen to crash (indeed it works fine), but if I forget to close the "audio settings" hydrogen bar, and I stop jack server from qjackctl (because I need to switch "audio context") this makes audio streams to stop again (so i need to wait some times or use killall -9 jackd jackdbus qjackct in worst case). <br><br>Thanks to all your suggestion I'm now able to manage this bug and make Hydrogen works in some way, but -just for my personal understanding- do you think the mentioned bug is generated from some wrong system setting I've made? It may comes from a inappropriate use of hydrogen settings? or it's a bug and you think it's better (for development improvement) to submit the issue to the hydrogen's support directly?<br><br></div>I'm using Ubuntu-Studio 14.04 LTS (x64) and Hydrogen 0.9.6<br><br></div>Thanks again for your assistance and patience (... I know I'm in the beginning of a long lasting .but rewarding- learning curve!)<br></div>I really appreciate! <br><div><div><div><br><br><div><div><div><br></div></div></div></div></div></div></div><div class="gmail_extra"><br><div class="gmail_quote">2016-04-25 14:00 GMT+02:00 <span dir="ltr"><<a href="mailto:ubuntu-studio-users-request@lists.ubuntu.com" target="_blank">ubuntu-studio-users-request@lists.ubuntu.com</a>></span>:<br><blockquote class="gmail_quote" style="margin:0 0 0 .8ex;border-left:1px #ccc solid;padding-left:1ex">Send ubuntu-studio-users mailing list submissions to<br>
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Today's Topics:<br>
1. Re: ubuntu-studio-users Digest, Vol 108, Issue 7<br>
(Pablo Fern?ndez)<br>
Message: 1<br>
Date: Sun, 24 Apr 2016 22:42:43 +0200<br>
From: Pablo Fern?ndez <<a href="mailto:pablo.fbus@gmail.com">pablo.fbus@gmail.com</a>><br>
To: <a href="mailto:ubuntu-studio-users@lists.ubuntu.com">ubuntu-studio-users@lists.ubuntu.com</a><br>
Subject: Re: [ubuntu-studio-users] ubuntu-studio-users Digest, Vol<br>
108, Issue 7<br>
Message-ID: <<a href="mailto:571D2FC3.60607@gmail.com">571D2FC3.60607@gmail.com</a>><br>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=windows-1252; format=flowed<br>
El 24/04/16 a las 21:39, Kaj Ailomaa escribi?:<br>
> On Sun, Apr 24, 2016, at 08:50 PM, Davide Costella wrote:<br>
>> Hello,<br>
>> tried to follow Kaj's suggestion, but it doesn't work in my case ...<br>
>> I've also tried to "manually" kill jack (using terminal) as Jean<br>
>> suggested;<br>
>> in this case the audio of other app start working again but if open<br>
>> aHydrogen a second time (starting Qjackctl first) hydrogen has no sound<br>
>> even if qjackclt told me server is running.<br>
>> What's wrong?<br>
>> Sorry, I know my questions may sound too noobish for you, but I'm quite<br>
>> new<br>
>> in ubuntu-studio.<br>
>> Thanks again for suggestions (and patience) and further help in advance<br>
>> Regards<br>
>> PS: Maybe the problem is also I've not yet realized how server audio<br>
>> works<br>
>> on linux (I come from windows and this kind of things are a lot simple<br>
>> from<br>
>> a user point of view) is there any sort of step by step guide to better<br>
>> understand this topic, maybe there is no issue in my case and I'm messing<br>
>> around everithing ... :-)<br>
> I'm assuming you are using 16.04?<br>
> As background info - both the desktop audio server (pulseaudio) and the<br>
> pro audio server (jack) will use the ALSA backend by default (jack may<br>
> use other backends as well, but the default is ALSA. Firewire devices<br>
> may also use the "firewire", or "ffado" backend.).<br>
> ALSA contains contains among other things the drivers to your audio<br>
> device. Normally, Pulseaudio will have a hold of your audio device<br>
> through ALSA. That is the default, right? But, when starting jack with<br>
> the ALSA drivers, and selecting the same audio device as selected by<br>
> pulseaudio, jack will take over the ALSA backend part from pulseaudio.<br>
> This is why pulseaudio becomes quiet, and you need to make pulseaudio<br>
> connect to jack (which it can, thanks to the package<br>
> pulseaudio-module-jack). So, that is what was discussed before.<br>
> In your case, my hypothesis is that the problem may be that you are not<br>
> selecting the correct audio device for jack (happens if you have more<br>
> than one, and it is a common problem). So, after having done a reboot<br>
> (just to make sure), start qjackctl. Choose the device you want to use<br>
> in "Setup" -> "Interface", and start jack using the "Start" button.<br>
> If all went well, jack will have started. So, now start hydrogen. If you<br>
> did not change any settings for Hydrogen, it should automatically<br>
> connect to jack and you should hear sound, and you can double check by<br>
> looking in qjackctl -> "Connect" -> "Audio". If Hydrogen is not visible<br>
> there, most probably you changed Hydrogens settings. In the menu, go<br>
> into "Tools" -> "Preferences" -> "Audio System", and select "auto" in<br>
> the upmost left drop-down menu, then restart Hydrogen, and it should<br>
> work.<br>
> If you are having any more problems, let us know at which step, and also<br>
> which Ubuntu Studio release you are on, and we'll try again :).<br>
Also, to kill jack don't use just "killall -9 jackd" but<br>
do a full "killall -9 jackd jackdbus qjackctl".<br>
I have an alias in my .bashrc file that reads<br>
kj=""killall -9 jackd jackdbus qjackctl"<br>
so I just type kj in the terminal when things get a bit weird, jack wise.<br>
This seems to be because, sometimes, having jackd and jackdbus running<br>
this sort of confusions between jack-aware applications.<br>
It is not very much of a problem, especially when you get used to<br>
always start<br>
jack manually via qjackctl, and don't let any jack-aware program to start<br>
jack behind the scenes.<br>
Of course, as Kaj already explained, the most important thing is making sure<br>
jack is started with the right audio interface.<br>
Hope this helps,<br>
<span class="HOEnZb"><font color="#888888"><br>
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End of ubuntu-studio-users Digest, Vol 108, Issue 10<br>
</font></span></blockquote></div><br><br clear="all"><br>-- <br><div class="gmail_signature"><div dir="ltr"><div>Distinti Saluti</div><div><b><br></b></div><div><b><br></b></div><b>Davide Costella</b><div><b><br><br></b><br><span><font color="#888888"><i>Autorizzo il<span> consenso al trattamento dei dati personali ai sensi della 196/03 e successive modificazioni / integrazioni.</span></i><div><div><b><br></b></div>