<HTML><BODY><p><em>Hello!<br>I beg your forgiveness for the mistakes, my native language - Russian.<br><br>I usually read incoming messages, making notes in a separate document. If I deleted your message without reading, perhaps it was an accident. I get a lot of spam, but your letter, I was wrong. Sorry.<br><br>In relation to the system Ubuntu Studio - it really is better than windows 7. Now I'm not ready to switch completely to Ubuntu Studio. But I must admit that Ubuntu Studio 12.04 works great in my home mediacenter!<br><br>On the host computer Ubuntu Studio 13.04 installed as a backup system. System satisfied!<br><br>Best wishes!</em><br><em>Roman</em><br><br><br>________________________________________________________________________________<br><br>Четверг, 18 июля 2013, 21:14 +02:00 от Alf Haakon Lund <alf@mellomrommet.no>:<br>
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<div id="style_13741753920000000519_BODY">This post made me check out what I actually deleted the other day.<br>
I'm skimming posts because there are many, reading what looks <br>
interesting and deleting those looking irrelevant to me. It's a method I <br>
recommend instead of making public complaints as it requires less energy <br>
and is a lot faster.<br>
So Alex, we all make mistakes, don't worry (be happy).<br>
On 18. juli 2013 10:28, Alex Armani wrote:<br>
> I purposely didn't reveal the location, but thought it was kinda<br>
> relevant since I am offering Ubuntu Studio a cheaper alternative to<br>
> Windows 7, and we all know that is it better. Sorry, won't do it<br>
> again. From Alex. --<br>
> <a href="http://www.newmatrixism.com" target="_blank">www.newmatrixism.com</a> tB.xx<br>
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<br>-- <br>Roman Shatalov<br></p></BODY></HTML>