Hello all,<br><br>Recently we have been begun reevaluating the audio, video, and graphical package selection for Ubuntu Studio. I think many would agree that some the current packages seems disquietingly unfocused, unrelated or disparate, not supporting any particular process or task.<br>
<br>For Natty Narwhal we would like develop a much leaner, streamlined, focused, and useful audio, video, and graphical package selection. And you can help develop it! This is your chance to directly effect the package selection for Ubuntu Studio.<br>
<br>If you wish to discuss non-audio, video, or graphical packages, say Pulse Audio or which PDF viewer is included, then please start another thread. The focus of this email is for refining the audio, video, and graphical package selection set only.<br>
<br><br>Our chosen methodology to effect this is to identify "tasks" and develop "workflows" to accomplish the task. Tasks are generalized objectives and the workflow will then identify which applications are required. Please note that multiple, alternative workflows could be defined to accomplish the same task and that multiple applications might be required for a particular workflow.<br>
<br>A very direct and simple taks might be to "Create a Poster/Flier". The associated workflow would be to
start Inkscape, add graphics from the clip library, and text as
desired. The application required would simply be Inkscape. While a more complicated, involved task might be "Recording Audio with Plugin Effects". The workflow would be to start jack and Ardour, connect the audio input to the track in Ardour, add the LV2 plugin into the track, and record the audio with the effect. The applications required would be qjackctl, jackd, ardour, and various LADSPA/LV2 plugins.<br>
<br><br>You are highly encouraged to participate by evaluating what is done, correcting
any definitive errors, adding alternate workflows, and adding
additional tasks and workflows. You can find existing tasks and workflows at the following wiki page: <a href="https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuStudio/Workflows">https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuStudio/Workflows</a><br><br>I would ask that a few conditions be observed:<br>
* do not delete others work (this is highly important)<br> * feel free to correct obvious errors, but respect differing viewpoints<br> * provide alternate workflow if you have a different process<br> * do not include partial or incomplete workflows<br>
<br><br>Partial or incomplete workflows will most likely not be considered. We should be striving to provide complete functionality.<br><br><br>The time frame to complete the initial selection will be before the end of October. This hopefully will provide time to update the seeds and meta-packages so we can begin testing Natty with the new package selections at the beginning of the release cycle.<br>
<br>I am excited about this prospect and I hope you participate to help make Ubuntu Studio better.<br><br>ScottL<br><br><br>