A few: <br><br>1. In Patchage, sometimes when I'm routing stuff, it will pop up with a "T" pointer and I can't click on anything, <br>what I've been doing to remedy this is to kill patachage from one of the low-level shell screens, but there have <br>
been times when it's prevented me from switching.. I've also noticed that there is a version of patchage that <br>uses b-spline curves, the current Ubuntu Studio distribution (I install with apt-get from Ubuntu 9.04, for reasons <br>
I'll explain below). <br><br>2. I'd like to know of some tips for hunting down IRQ conflicts, things that might cause Xruns.. <br><br>3. Why does the Live-CD install of Ubuntu Studio not recognize my USB keyboard, I have a <br>
Dimension 9150. The regular Ubuntu installer does recognize my keyboard. I've noticed a similar <br>problem with the Kubuntu installer. Xubuntu and Ubuntu don't have this problem.. Also why isn't there <br>a 30 second count down that reverts to the live boot when the keyboard doesn't work? Is there a live boot?<br>
<br>Also, where do I get my RT kernels from, Ubuntu Studio or Ubuntu repositories? Is there a Ubuntu Studio <br>repository that I should be subscribing to?<br><br><br>-- <br>--------------{ GOOGLE THIS }---------------<br>
[about me]: chann3lz bl3nder rofthorax-youtube <br>[free stuff]: ubuntu portableapps winehq virtualbox ubuntu-studio blender3d gimp mythtv<br>[interests]: cloudcomputing electronics programming simplification 3d-animation music pc-games art<br>