Cory,<br><br>I totally agree with Alex on every point that he commented about this issue, I couldn't put it more beautifully and sharply, to the point. <br>In a sentence: Ubuntu Studio should be an audio-jack based distro. Delete all else.<br>
<br>As for: <br>> Also, it's been lacking in what anyone is willing to actually *do* for<br>
> this future but it's still early. :)<br><br>I can maybe give you some advice here. I am doing this with my best intentions.<br><br>It's all about management.<br><br>[story 1] I work as a music teacher in a primary school. Recently, for the first time in my life, I was solely responsible for our Easter School Play. <br>
<br>I wanted to involve the children in preparing it, the staff and the parents. <br><br>I created a website, sending emails with possible, generic 'to do' tasks. A few parents and teachers responded. But it was not enough, I needed more people, more skills for the various tasks that needed to be done (what a complex job is preparing a school play - I never knew!).<br>
<br>Anyway, the time was passing, I was frustrated with the reaction of the staff and people and wanted to give up, but I couldn't.<br><br>Then one day, I just simply made a list of the specific jobs, thought about them and went to every teacher in person.<br>
<br>"You need to do this (job1), if you can't then please do this (job2), etc."<br><br>and everybody did their part beautifully, the play was a great success, blah-blah...<br><br>[moral] Point is, I see on these lists that people want to help. Genuinely. But they need specific tasks and a deadline. This is how we operate. <br>
<br>[story 2] Linux Journal started an action, something like: "Experts answer your questions". I volunteered as an 'audio-expert', I thought I could give an advice to a novice...<br><br>Once a month, they would send a question from a reader with a deadline for the answers. I loved the concept: specific and a deadline. It worked.<br>
<br>[moral] We, users of Ubuntu, all know something at a different level. and I can see that most of us love this Distro and are willing to help. <br><br>Give us specific tasks. With a deadline.<br><br>Make the titles on the 'Tasks' emails/posts recognizable: not everybody follows all the threads, so titles are important. <br>
<br>I know it's a hard job to organize, but someone needs to lead, really.<br><br>my 2p.<br><br>Viktor<br>