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ahoy all,<BR>
this may reveal my cluelessness, but why is Pulse such a problem for recording audio/MIDI? with the latest 8.04 real-time kernel, i have noticed no problems with Pulse per se (more problems with Macbook built-in audio ALSA driver/position_fix issues).<BR>
thanks for the edu in adv.<BR>
On Sat, 2009-01-24 at 12:36 -0500, Beldon Dominello wrote:
On Sat, 2009-01-24 at 11:46 +0100, sandie wrote:
> Hi all
> One of the first things I do when installing a new UbuntuStudio, is
> purging the system of Pulse and setting the system to use Alsa. I have
> done it so many times by now, and have even thought of making a script
> that automates the process.
> I know I'm not the only one who doesnt use Pulse in UbuntuSudio, in
> fact, I don't think I have ever heard of anyone using their pc
> UbuntuStudio machine for audio/midi-production who uses Pulse :-)
> Can't we have an option to NOT use Pulse in the install ?
> With kind regards and respect to the UbuntuStudio devs
> Sandie
> //
Hi Sandie
I'm relatively new to UbuntuStudio and would very much like to see your
checklist for purging Pulse from the system.