I wrote about an idea for an Ubuntu distro that would combine features of both Edubuntu and Ubuntu Studio: <a href="http://rayne-vandunem.livejournal.com/106868.html">http://rayne-vandunem.livejournal.com/106868.html</a><br>
<br>The idea is to combine the educational/child orientation of Edubuntu with the multimedia production focus of Ubuntu Studio, perhaps to target those who seek for the easiest-possible way to produce and display multimedia (especially in, say, art schools and liberal arts colleges). However, this combination may be dependent upon how low the barrier of entry for using and utilizing FOSS multimedia production apps is.<br>
<br>Of course, I think that an Edubuntu Studio could be a suitable competitor or FOSS equivalent to Mac OS X insofar as its usage in the educational market is concerned.<br><br>Just a suggestion,<br>Rayne<br>