I can definitely add to the RME HDSP 9652 recommendation. It's a solid card and works wonderfully under 'nix. If you don't have the funds for it at the moment it'll be worth your while waiting and saving up for it and an AD/DA. You can pick them up fairly cheaply second hand these days too. They are a lightpipe card so you will have to fork out for an external converter(s), but this will mean you can set it up to your exact needs and expand / change easily in the future.<br>
<br>................................................<br>Kim Burgess<br><br>P +353 8 7671 7022<br>E <a href="mailto:contact@kimburgess.info">contact@kimburgess.info</a><br>W <a href="http://www.kimburgess.info">www.kimburgess.info</a>