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<BR><BR><BR>> <BR>> Once, just once, I want to hear someone record a band using Ardour and<BR>> open-source tools.<BR>> <BR>thats what im trying just now... of course, the guitar and bass processors are not native,<BR>
but...im using Jamin as the all purpose compressor, since im not that fond of the ALSA <BR>
compressors...So I just bounce the drums and vocals from track to track with jamin<BR>
in the middle.... work intensive, but it works.<BR>
I do use freeverb though, its ok enough to spice up the snare and such. the result seems<BR>
promising enough.<BR>
Ardour is really nice to use.... hope the band lets me post some songs!<BR>
I should be done mixing and mastering by new years eve...hopefully...<BR><br /><hr />HO HO HO, si tu as été sage cette année, envoie un courriel au Père Noël! <a href='http://demandeauperenoel.ca/?icid=NOELFRCA005' target='_new'>Visite demandeauperenoel.ca pour en savoir plus.</a></body>